A New England Food Vision
What Can We Achieve?
A New England Food Vision envisions New Englanders in 2060 eating more diverse and healthier foods than today, with three times as much land (15% of the region, or 6 million acres) producing food.
With three times as much land (15% of the region, or 6 million acres) producing food, we’ll need several hundred thousand acres in and around cities devoted to intensive production and several million acres of rural farmland supporting crops and livestock.
- 20,000Acres of Farmland
- 5% Farmland
- 85% Developed
- 10% Forest
- 210,000Acres of Farmland
- 15% Farmland
- 60% Developed
- 25% Forest
- 1,300,000Acres of Farmland
- 25% Farmland
- 25% Developed
- 50% Forest
- 1,170,000Acres of Farmland
- 60% Farmland
- 10% Developed
- 30% Forest
- 2,120,000Acres of Farmland
- 17% Farmland
- 8% Developed
- 75% Forest
- 1,240,000Acres of Farmland
- 6% Farmland
- 4% Developed
- 90% Forest
- 6,050,000Acres of Farmland
- 15% Farmland
- 11% Developed
- 74% Forest
- 6,000,000 acres for 17 million healthy New Englanders, we could grow:
- 500,000 acres for all our vegetables
- 4,500,000 acres for all of our dairy and beef (and lamb) mostly on grass
- 100% of our pastured pork, poultry, and eggs - mostly on imported feed grain
- 500,000 acres for some portion of our grain (for people and animals), beans, and vegetable oil
- 500,000 acres for 1/2 of our fruit
We also need a strong, sustainable
yield from our fisheries.
- 70% This expansion leaves 70% of the region forested, with adequate room remaining for clustered “smart growth” and green development.
A New England Food Vision describes a future in which New England produces at least half of the region's food – and no one goes hungry. It looks ahead to 2060 and sees farming and fishing as important regional economic forces; soils, forests, and waterways cared for sustainably; healthy diets as a norm; and access to food valued as a basic human right.
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